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 twButtonBox( bType, Msg, Title, NoButtons, Buttons,;
              sButton, wT, wL, wB, wR, wSType, wFType,;
              ExitKey, ActionKeys )
     Display a window containing message text and an array of choices
     which are presented as 'Push Buttons' in the manner of an
     ACHOICE() or MENU TO. The choice array can be displayed
     horizontally or vertically. The function can be made to optionally
     execute code passed as code blocks and can use a default or a user
     defined exit key. The window is displayed with the shadow and
     frame type of the currently active window, as are the 'Push
     Buttons', which are displayed with thin shadows.

     Code to be executed, as defined in ActionKeys DOES NOT constitute
     an EXIT key. Therefore, twButtonBox() can easily be used as a menu
     shell in your applications. (See the BUMENU Demo for Details )

     The choice array, Buttons[], has default values, as do the display
     coordinates. If either the message or the choice array will write
     outside the display window, it is truncated. The programmer must
     ensure the allocated area is big enough to hold all the
     information required.

                  twButtonBox() Configuration

     Horizontal                            Vertical

     +--------- Title --------+   +--------- Title --------+
     |                        |   |                        |
     |                        |   |  Message Text Choice1  |
     |      Message Text      |   |                        |
     |                        |   |    goes  in   Choice2  |
     |        goes  in        |   |                        |
     |                        |   |   this  area  Choice3  |
     |       this  area       |   |                        |
     |                        |   |               Choice4  |
     |                        |   |                        |
     |                        |   |                 etc.   |
     | Choice1 Choice2 etc.   |   |                        |
     +------------------------+   +------------------------+

     The Up, Down, Right and Left cursor keys move the highlight one
     choice, as in a MENU TO. The Page Up and Home keys highlight the
     first choice. The Page Down and End keys highlight the last
     choice. Any choice NOT associated with an ActionKey will cause an
     exit. The default exit key for twButtonBox() is the ENTER key,
     which causes the function to return 0.


     bType      - 'C' "V" or "v" for vertical choice display. "H" or
                      "h" for horizontal.

     Msg        - 'C' Character string to be displayed as a message.
                      The message is displayed in part of the window
                      left AFTER the choice array is processed.

                      In the vertical configuration, the choices appear
                      on the right and the message in the area of the
                      window remaining on the left. In the horizontal
                      configuration, the choices appear at the bottom
                      of the window and the message is displayed in the
                      top area.

     Title      - 'C' Optional title for the twButtonBox() window.

     NoButtons  - 'N' If using the defaults, you may pass 1, 2 or 3 to
                      indicate the number of buttons to display. If you
                      pass this parameter, it is not necessary to pass
                      a choices array. If you pass a choices array,
                      NoButtons is ignored.

     Buttons    - 'A' This array holds the choices to be displayed as
                      an array of strings. The function formats the
                      buttons to the length of the longest element in
                      this array. If Buttons is NOT passed, the
                      defaults are:

                       NoButtons = 1
                           Buttons := { "OK" }

                       NoButtons = 2
                           Buttons := { "Yes", "No" }

                       NoButtons = 3
                           Buttons := { "Yes", "No", "Cancel" }

     sButton    - 'N' The number of the default button to start with.

     wT, wL     - 'N' Screen coordinates for the display
     wB, wR           area.

     wSType     - 'N' TSDWIN shadow type. Defaults to the shadow type
                      for the currently active window.

     wFType     - 'N' TSDWIN frame type. Defaults to the frame type for
                      the currently active window.

     ExitKey    - 'A' The default exit key array is

                              { K_ENTER }

                      If you want to allow more, say, pass an array

                              { K_ESC, K_F4 }

     ActionKeys - 'A' This optional parameter allows you to require
                      twButtonBox() to execute code WITHOUT exiting.
                      Each element in the array must have two elements,
                      the first to indicate which choice button you
                      wish to invoke, the second, a code block to
                      execute when that button is invoked.


     The Choice number or zero if an Exitkey was chosen.


     ActionKeys :=  { { 1, { || Proc01() } }, ;
                      { 2, { || Proc02() } }, ;
                      { 3, { || Proc03() } }, ;
                      { 4, { || Proc04() } }, ;
                      { 5, { || Proc05() } }, ;
                      { 6, { || Proc06() } } }

     twButtonBox( "V", ;
             "Welcome to the twButtonBox Menu Demonstration. "+ ;
             "This program was created using the TSDWIN.LIB "+ ;
             "twButtonBox MaxiFunction. You get more golfing in "+ ;
             "with TSDWIN.LIB looking after the details!", ;
             "BuMenu Main Menu",, ;
             { "Choice Number 1", ;
                     "Choice Number 2", ;
                     "Choice Number 3", ;
                     "Choice Number 4", ;
                     "Choice Number 5", ;
                     "Choice Number 6", ;
                     "Return to DOS" },, ;
             4, 15, 20, 65, 3, 8,, ActionKeys )

     Compile, Link and Run BUMENU.PRG to see this code fragment

     This code segment actually operates like a menu. Normally one
     would use twButtonBox() to present the user with choices in a
     configuration or error situation, such as offering the choice to
     continue or not when the printer is found to be offline.

See Also: twAlertInit() twCheckBox() twRadioBox()
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